
Tuesday, 28 June 2016

9 Surprising Benefits of Garlic

 Garlic is a plant in the onion family, grown for its cooking properties and health effects. It is high in
a sulfur compound called Allicin, which is believed to bring most of the health benefits..

1-combat sickness
Garlic is low in calories and very rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Manganese. It also contains trace amounts of various other nutrients.
Garlic supplementation helps to prevent and reduce the severity of common illnesses like the flu and common cold.

2-reducing blood pressure
Human studies have found garlic supplementation to have a significant impact on reducing blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.
High doses of garlic appear to improve blood pressure of those with known high blood pressure (hypertension). In some instances, supplementation can be as effective as regular medications.

3-reduce total and LDL cholesterol
Garlic supplementation seems to reduce total and LDL cholesterol, particularly in those who have high cholesterol. HDL cholesterol and triglycerides do not seem to be affected.
Garlic is clearly able to lower our blood triglycerides and total cholesterol, even though this reduction can be moderate (5-15%).

Garlic contains antioxidants that protect against cell damage and ageing. It may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

5-improve physical performance
Garlic can improve physical performance in lab animals and people with heart disease. Benefits in healthy people are not yet conclusive.

6-improve bone health
Garlic appears to have some benefits for bone health by increasing estrogen levels in females, but more human studies are needed.

7-grow beautiful hair with garlic 
Garlic could end your hair loss problems because of its high levels of allicin, a sulfur compound similar to that found in onions, which were found to effectively treat hair loss. Rub sliced cloves of garlic on your scalp, squeezing as you go for the most benefit. You can also infuse oil with garlic and massage it into your scalp

8-garlic clears acne
It might not be a main ingredient in your drugstore acne medication, but garlic makes a great natural remedy to banish unsightly blemishes. Its antioxidants kill bacteria, so rub a sliced clove of garlic on the pimple for an effective topical treatment.

9-mosquitoes repellent
mosquitoes don't seem to like garlic. Make a solution of garlic oil, petroleum jelly, and beeswax for a natural repellent or place cloves of garlic nearby.

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